Messages for the family of
Carol Shafer

Do you have fond memories of Carol Shafer? Share them with family and friends. Click "Send A Message" at the bottom of this page.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

We went to Faith Fellowship with Clifford &
Betty Roth. We loved them. We met Ric & Carol.
And we so sad when baby was born. Been
thinking of you all before this. And know how
loved you all are. May God keep you all.

Jerry & Virginia Jones

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I am so sorry to hear of Carol's passing. She was one of the nicest people I have known. You and Carol's kindness for not only me, but for my children will never be forgotten. Please know that you and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.


Sarah Bailey and kids (Taylor, Hailee and Cooper)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

A Call to Carol

Carol-it's been 2 days since i heard the news and I still can't believe it. I have wanted to pick up my phone and call you at least 30 times. No matter what, you were always just a phone call away. I just want to hear you say "hey girl what are you doin?" You were the person I would call in good times and bad, and there were plenty of both. I would either get the words of encouragment or a good kick in the butt (depending on what I needed). We shared so many things together, birthdays, holidays, school events and even a car accident and a fire. Come to think about it maybe being around us could have been dangerous for those around us.

I was blessed to have you in mine and my children's lives for 20 years. We were even more blessed to have had you a De Adrian's godmother. Kim had asked you because you had always been there for her and she knew you would be there for her son. For many years, you were a backdoor neigbor but always a friend and confident. You were always there for all of us anytime day or night. Your home was always open to just about everyone. Anyone who spent anytime with your at all could see that you loved to surround yourself with your family and friends. Stranger was a word that I don't believe was even in your vocabulary. Within 5 minutes of meeting someone new they would be your new friend.

You always had "words of wisdom" to offer. They may not have been original; but, they were words that you lived by. Pick your battles was one of your favorites. Constantly you would remind me not to sweat the small stuff but to save my enegy and time for the important things in life. Words, that I admit . that I have never been very good heeding. You would also remind me almost every time we talked to live each day to the fullest because you never know when it may be your last and God will call you home. Again, admittedly, I have never been good at that; but I am going to do better. No matter where you were or what you were doing, you went after it with enthusiasm and an energy that could be likened to a miniature tornado. If it was somthing that you wanted, you found a way to make it happen.

I know that Kimmie was worried about Cassie being pregnant and needing her mama with her. Carol, I'm not going to worry-Cassie is her mother's daughter after all and you have instilled in her and all your children the strength to face anything and achieve all their goals. Between you and me, we both know that you will be there for the birth of your new grandson and to celebrate with all of your family. Your family is actually your legacy. The values and beliefs that you and Ric have taught your children will carry on for many generations. You have raised a family to be very proud of.

I know that we have had talks about we are always surrounded by our loved ones that have passed and that they are our personal angels. What many of us did not realize, your were acutally an angel on earth. Now you are truly an angel who will always be with us. I know it may be selfish, but, none of us were ready to let you go.

Cariol- I know I did not say it enough; but thank you. Thank you for everything that you have said and done. Thank you for for being you. I don't think you had idea of how many people that you have helped or how many lives that you have changed. I also want to thank Ric and your family for sharing you with all of us Their generosity helped enrich so many lives in so many ways.

Kimmie, De and I are going to go to the beach this weekend. We are going to find a quiet spot, listen to the waves and remember all the good times we had.together. We will share some laughs and alot of tears. We will grieve for your family, but I know that you would not want us to grieve for you. Carol, you were strong in your belief of heaven and a better life with the Lord. I hope that Ric and your family can find comfort in knowing you were always be called home.

Well I am going to have to get off of here and like I usually ended the call, you take care and I will talk with you later..

Love you always and always in our thoughts,

Chris, Kevin, Brian, Kim and De Adrian


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ric & Family we are very sorry for your loss. We pray for Gods peace & comfort for all of you.

George & Diana Boyle

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Just wanted to let you all know we are so
very sorry, and the family will be in our

Benny & Ann Benjamin

Friday, July 20, 2012

I new Carol most of my life. I remember us playing together even before we started school. Carol was always willing to help others. My first year at Nowata High School, she not only drove me to school but included me in lunch with her friends. She did not have to do that. It was good reconnecting with her last year on Facebook. She will be greatly missed. Even though we have not seen each other for several years, just knowing she is no longer there, leaves an empty hole.

Kenneth Elliott

Friday, July 20, 2012

I am so sorry for your loss as I know it must be extremely difficult to comprehend this tragic and sudden loss. I consider myself fortunate to have gotten to know Carol during our time working together at TKI. I can convey many of the same comments made by others as to her kindness, upbeat personality and positive effect on those around her. I am confident these are just some of the many things that will be forever charished by her family and friends.

My thoughts and prayers go out to you all, and that you will be comforted in knowing that through her faith in God that she is now getting to experience the wonderful glory of heaven for the rest of eternity. I'm sure that Carol's prayer would be that we all make the necessary plans to ensure that we will also one day be there to see her again and enjoy heaven's glory with her.

John Shaver

Friday, July 20, 2012

So sorry to hear of Carol passing. I remember her as a very young girl in grade school. She sang at our daughters wedding and parents funeral. She indeed had a lovely voice and was such a sweet young lady. May it comfort you to know that the thoughts and prayers of others are with all of you. You Have Our Deepest Sympathy

Kay & Ronnie White
Sheila (Akers) White & girls
Cindy & Brett Travis & boys

Kay White

Thursday, July 19, 2012

We have a lot of fond memories of Carol from our time spent in South Coffeyville. Ric, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You and Carol were such a blessing to us!

Bryan and Debbie Long

Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm so sorry for you loss. Carol was such a sweetheart. You all are in my prayers and if there is anything I can do for you all let me know.

Michelle Gillman

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ric and Family,

So sorry to hear the passing of one of the most
beautiful souls I had ever known... I will never
forget the first day I meet her waiting tables
together at the Family Steak House and how sweet
she spoke of the love for you Ric. She had the most
sweetest personality of anyone and the sweetest of
words when she would talk to you.. She was Loved
by many and will be missed by many more..
Sending comfort and peace to you and your family
members at this time or sorrow.

Cristal Uluer

Thursday, July 19, 2012

i enjoyed working with carol at the Kanwork service. A great person with compassion.

mary howard

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Carol was always so positive. I really enjoyed knowing her. When she came in she was always so upbeat and happy.
She will be greatly missed. You all will be in my prayers.

Sharon Caulkins

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I first met Carol when we were students at Coffeyville Community College. I always loved to hear her sing. Her voice was simply amazing! She was one of the nicest people I have ever known. My condolences to the Shafer famiy.

Randi Bernhart

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ric & family: Please accept my deepest
condolences on the passing of Carol, you
are in my thoughts & prayers!!!! She was
a wonderful, outgoing, sparkly person &
will be direly missed by many.

Kay Hyatt

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I had the pleasure of working with Carol. She truely was a kind spirited lady full of life, always smiling and willing to offer an encouraging word or a big hug when needed. Your family is in my prayers.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I am so very sorry for your loss.
I met Carol, thru a mutual friend,
many years ago...... that friend,
has since gone on to be with the
lord, but Carol had such a wonderful
spirit and an infectious smile.
I had the privilege of having Carol
sing at my wedding.... she had the
voice of angels. I had not seen Carol
in several years... but I know she was
loved by many, and she will be in our
hearts forever.
R.I.P. Carol.

Vicky Eubanks

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I first met Carol 2 years ago in Phoenix where a group of us TKI girls were gathered for a week of meetings. Her smile was infectious. She was a delight to be around, very open, welcoming and friendly. I know you will miss her terribly as will all of us who worked with her whether daily or occasionally. My prayer for you, her family, is that God may grant you strength and peace in the coming days. Focus on the good memories - they will bring you comfort....

Lorelei Cox

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

You all are in my thoughts and prayers.


Alysha Rosekelly

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I was never fortunate enough to meet Carol, I am the new office manager for Billings, MT. I did however get to talk to her a few times, and she was so very helpful and so very sweet. I am so sorry for your loss, she will be missed terribly.

Alysha Rosekelly

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Carol was a true reflection of God's Love. I was honored to work with her and count her as a friend. She always had an encouraging word and uplifting spirit. She will be TRUELY missed. She was so proud of her family and loved you all very much. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Brenda Nicholson

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I am blessed to have counted Carol as a friend, as well as constituent with TKI. We had been talking about getting together for a ride sometime this summer. Carol always had such a happy, upbeat frame of mind. I share with you the shock, pain and sadness of losing this bright ray of sunshine.

Jolitta Besel

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. Although I haven't seen Carol in quite awhile, I will always cherish the friendship and memories I have of her.

Debbie Armstrong Hickman

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Carol will be deeply missed. She always had a kind word and was nice to everyone she met. Thinking of you all!


Diane Dobson Barton

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Words can't express all of the thoughts that have been going through my mind. Carol was contagiously happy and positive. What a blessing it was to know her and call her 'friend!' She was totally devoted to you, Ric, as well as her big family. All of you were the light of her life. We were going to share a Branson trip in a couple weeks which I've now postponed. It wouldn't have been the same without her. A friend for life; I know I'll see her again. God bless all who knew her!

Pam Hundley

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

We are so sorry to hear of your loss. We pray that your memories will bring you comfort. Keeping you all in our thoughts and our prayers.

Debra and Mike Baldwin

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Prayers for your entire family. Carol was a beautiful person, inside and out. She will be dearly missed, and often thought of and remembered for her genuinely kind heart. We'll miss you, Carol!


Elizabeth Watts

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So many thoughts that my heart wants to say but I can't seem to put them to words. I can only say that the ray of sunshine from heaven has returned and we will see her again someday. Carol was a very special person very caring and out going. She will always hold a special place in my memories. God bless her family and I pray for comfort during this difficult time.

Chryl(LaForte) Ferrel

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your sweet spirit will be missed. Im so sorry for the family, may they find peace in your fond memories.

Cari Krenz

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Your family is in my prayers. I met Carol through the Coffeyville Weight-Loss Support Group and she was a wonderful inspiration. She had such a contagious smile!

Brandi Vowell

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Am so sorry to hear your loss. Our love, prayers and sympathy are with you. Keep looking up, God's love and grace will help.
Again, so sorry.

Velma (Rittenhouse) Pippin

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I still remember the day I met Carol 28 years ago. She was a person that once you met her she was your friend for life. The times that i've run into her over the years she always greated me with a big smile and hugs. She is one lady that will be missed but I know she is smiling down on us right now saying I will see you all soon! My prayers are with you all in this difficult time!

Tracie Coffey Lowe

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Carol, it's so hard to believe you are not here on this Earth with us! I am so grateful for your friendship and memories made together! Like so many others who with me, shared your love and friendship, we had some crazy fun times! You were always there in the darker seasons of my life too, like the supportive person you always were to so many. I'm so glad we got to talk recently, even for just a brief time. I miss you but I know I'll see you again. Love you always!

Kim VanDorn Clabough

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh what a reality that life is only a vapor! I am so glad that I was able to visit with Carol at our last class reunion. She was absolutely one of the sweetest young ladies this side of heaven. Although we didn't stay in regular contact with each other, during our school days, we were always together in one way or another, be it class, music, or just hanging out at lunchtime. Family, you have our condolences & our prayers during this most difficult hour. Carol, you will NEVER, EVER be forgotten!!!

DeLisa Nuckols-Reed

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I loved her like a sister. I just can not believe she's gone! I felt so close to her in the short time we had. My heart goes out to the family. what in the world happened? She was sooo full of life! What a special lady she was!!! My dear sweet friend. One of my favorites of all times!!

Linda Mullins

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My heart breaks at the thought of not seeing Carol's smile or hearing her laugh again. Both were contagious. She had a zest for life that not many have. I am praying for God to send you peace in your time of grief. God Bless

Ginger Bohannan

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My memories of Carol are her singing with the Nowata High School choir. I am not surprised that music was always a part of her life. My sympathy to her family and friends.

Juanita Clark

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Csrol has alway's been so sweet and that memory will remain. my prayer's go out to family and friend's who have lost someone so special.

God be with you all,

Dana (Ralston) Stephens

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Carol was first a student, then a dear,
sweet friend. She was so full of life,
love and kindness. May the memories of her
smile, laughter and love give you peace.

M.J. Silva

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My deepest sympathy for your loss. Carol was always such a friendly person.

Timothy Key

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I am so sorry for your loss. I loved Carol she was a very caring and loving person who would do anything for anybody. She will be deeply missed but never forgotten.

Jenny Allison Dale

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Heartfelt prayers go out to Carol's
Family. So very sorry for the grief you
are feeling right now. Please know that
she was a wonderful person and so kind.
Keep her memories as a golden treasure
until you meet again. In the name of
Jesus place the Shaffer Family in your
grace so they can find comfort in their
time of Grief.

Marie and Esam Abdou

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ric and Family, We are so very sorry to hear about Carol. You and all of yours are in our prayers for God to bring you peace and comfort. Know that we are here for you. If you need anything, please let us know. Our hearts are so sad. May God be with you.

Jim & Jo Falkner

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Surprised to hear this. She was and still
is an inspiration to me to achieve my goal
of personal improvement. Still have the
accordion used at your wedding.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Carol I will miss you. may you RIP
Nelda, sorry for your lost,carol children
you had a wonderful mother, and friend,and sister.
she loved each and everyone of you.
Lord watch over this family give them comfort and understanding in Jesus name.

LaDonna Eaton

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ric & Family..........praying for all of you. Carol was a wonderful friend and person. She will be missed by so many. Love you all and here for you.


Monday, July 16, 2012

My sincere and deepest sympathy goes out to the Shafer family. Carol was a very sweet and kind person, always smiling and always had something nice to say to me. I am so sorry.

Becky Vogt

Monday, July 16, 2012

Carol was a very special person. She was so
kind to everyone she met. She will be greatly
missed. Our prayers go out to all of her family
and loved ones.

Joe and Linda Ames

Joe and Linda Ames

Monday, July 16, 2012

Shafer family your all in
our prayers carol was
truely a great woman and
will be miss by the west

viola west

Monday, July 16, 2012

Went to school our whole life together. She was
a kind, graciously person. God bless the family.

Connie Trotter

Monday, July 16, 2012

You will be missed Ca my prayers go out to

Connie Trotter

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ric & Family, So very sorry for your loss. CAROL will be missed by many! Sending prayers for you & your family.

Terry & Pam Frye

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm so sorry for your loss. Carol was a great person. My first job at the Dearing cafe was where I met her. She was so fun to work with. And later on we moved across the street from her. She will be greatly missed!

Angie Deenihan

Monday, July 16, 2012

Ric & Family, So very sorry for you loss,
CAROL, will be missed by Family & Many

Steve Braschler & Michael Szelipajlo

Monday, July 16, 2012

There is so little one can do, So little one can say,But many hearts go out to you In sympathy today. Carol you will be missed!

Karen Trollope

Monday, July 16, 2012

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with all of the Shafer family.

Patti Mathis

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm praying for the Shafer family. Carol was a wonderful, caring, involved family person. We had MANY good times at Edgewood school working together in PTA. She was always willing to volunteer, no matter what the job was. I know her family is extremely proud of her. Take care!

Alicia Smart

Monday, July 16, 2012

May the sorrow you feel in your heart be lightened by the love that surrounds you. Anyone who met Carol could feel the love she had for others. I am a better person for having known her. Thank you for sharing this wonderful woman with us.

Tamra Wilson

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Carol was a fabulous lady and a great friend. She will be missed by all. Ric, I am praying for you and the whole family. I know that God will see you through this time.

Mandy Ellis Wulf